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Seasonal Sermons
Please visit Sermons for Major Festivals, in Browse all Posts (Resource Library).

MF07  An Ash Wednesday meditation 
(5 March) and at any time is based on Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush (Exodus 3). It asks how do we find God not only in the desert places of life but in all life as well.

Bishop John Bluck’s  new book 
Living on the Fault Line – Aotearoa’s bicultural future,Quentin Wilson Publishing, February 2025. The book picks up the themes of his 2022 book Becoming Pākehā, but set in the new context created by the Treaty Principles Bill, and exploring how we might become a more effective and informed partner in that debate. It also offers a deeper look at the richness of our Pākehā cultural and religious history that John first covered in a RNZ series several years ago. Available at a special prepublication price of $25 plus postage, when ordered from johnbluck22 [at]

AA23 Bishop Ellie on Jesus-shaped Lives 
Eleanor Sanderson, now Bishop of Hull, was in Christchurch recently and challenged the Church in its discipleship and mission. Her lively address, accessible via the link below, would make for good parish discussion.