Major Festivals (Church Year from Advent)
- MF01 All Souls Day Requiem
- MF01a All Manner of Things Will be Well: A Sermon for All Souls Day
- MF02 Advent: Captivity, Hope & Liberation
- MF03 Christmas: Jesus’ Love is in our DNA
- MF04 New Year, New World, New Me
- MF05 Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
- MF06 Epiphany: Journey of the Magi
- MF07 Ash Wednesday Meditation
- MF08 Lent: Road to the Cross
- MF09 Doing Evil by Doing Nothing
- MF10 Making Peace by Serving Others – the Maundy
- MF11 Good Friday — Christ’s Cross
- MF12 Easter Offers Hope to a Troubled World
- MF13 Faith in a Love Which Overcomes Death and Evil
- MF14 Ascension Day: God’s Encompassing Love of All Creation
- MF15 Pentecost: God’s Spirit Enlivens All Creation
- MF16 Trinity Sunday
- MF17 Trinity: Additional Notes and Quotes
- MF18 All Saints: Who Are Today’s Saints?
- MF19 Brighter Than a Thousand Suns: Christ’s Transfiguration to Hiroshima
General Sermons
- GS01 Bishop Ellie, Mission and Kairos
- GS02 The Burning Bush, Pilgrimage, Calling
- GS03 Creation, Religion, Science
- GS04 Henri Nouwen and the Abbey of the Genesee
- GS05 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- GS06 The Unjust Steward
- GS07 Paul in Athens
- GS08 END TIMES? Jesus, the Anthropocene and Climate change
- GS09 Abraham and Isaac
- GS10: Bishop Bruce Gilberd Memorial Homily
- GS11: Te Tiriti o Waitangi – Charles Waldegrave
- GS12 Ngā Wai Hono i te Pō
Addresses and Articles
- AA01 IQ, EQ and SQ – The Spiritual Quotient in Life
- AA02 Hannah Arendt and the Banality of Evil
- AA03 Tragedy and Trust at Mangatepopo
- AA04 Co-Governance, Church and Nation
- AA05 The Treaty of Waitangi – Diversity in Unity
- AA06 Randerson Retirement Interview
- AA07 Science, Religion and Richard Dawkins – Discussion Points
- AA08 Understanding God in the 21C and what it means for us personally
- AA09 Waypoints – ethical, vocational and spiritual choices in life
- AA10 Confronting the Climate Crisis
- AA11 No Place to Call Home
- AA12: Church Life Survey
- AA13: Wilberforce Report on Faith and Belief in NZ
- AA14: NZ Government’s Fast Track and Fresh Water Proposals
- AA15: State of the Nation Report (Salvation Army 2024)
- AA16 The links between the new Maori Queen’s family and Anglicans
- AA17 IN-TENSIONAL — a way forward for the Church
- AA18 Lurching Towards Constitutional Impropriety
- AA19 Sacraments and the Sacramental Nature of all Creation-Address By +Rowan Williams
- AA20 Aggression Styled as Defence by Paul Oestreicher
- AA21 Submissions on Treaty Principles Bill
- AA22 The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Church and Child Abuse
- AA23 Bishop Ellie on Jesus-shaped Lives
Leadership and Ethics
- LE01 Law Society Address
- LE02 Goals of a University
- LE03 Leadership with Purpose
- LE04 Unitec Graduation Address
Mission and Ministry
- MM01 Aboard the Good Ship Eklay Zia
- MM02 A Basic Work Planner for Local Mission
- MM03 Climate and Environment Local Projects
- PP01 Faith and Mission in Aotearoa New Zealand
- PP02 Same-sex Relationships: Bible, Church and Lambeth 2022
Slipping the Moorings: Bishop Richard Reflects
See key themes on theology, ethics, justice and mission in Synopsis below.
- STM001 Chapter Headings and SynopsIs
- STM002 Colour Plates
- STM01 A Life-changing Journey
- STM02 Through the Factory Door
- STM03 A Church in the City
- STM04 The Times They Are A-Changing
- STM05 Working at the Margins
- STM06 Perpetrators of Corrosive Myths: Poverty and Neo-liberalism
- STM07 Crossing The ditch
- STM08 Ethics – the Air we Breathe?
- STM09 Blessing Same-sex Relationship
- STM10 Full Circle
- STM11 Is the Bishop an Agnostic?
- STM12 Would I Do it Again?