WELCOME to this site A Word for all Seasons. Set up in 2022, this site includes sermons, articles, power-points, and addresses as resources for Christian engagement with life and society. Please feel free to send site access details on to others: www.awordforallseasons.co.nz.
Selections are sent out every 2-3 months to subscribers (free) and in line with seasons in the Church’s year. All posts remain on site permanently for later reference. The Resource Library shows the seven categories under which posts are grouped.
TIMES CHANGE! Some material may require updating in terms of dates and circumstances, but core insights into spirituality, scripture, theology and life remain.
THERE IS NO CHARGE for any material on this site. All items may be freely downloaded in full or in part for individual or group use.
TO PRINT OR DOWNLOAD any material, click on the “DOWNLOAD FILE” button at the bottom of any post (or at the top of the post for PowerPoints). For any additional help accessing these files, please use the contact form here.
NO ACKNOWLEDGMENT is required for any material used except where another author is quoted.
SITE DEVELOPMENT: I am grateful to Michael Toy who designed the site and to Marcus Thomas for the original artwork.
BISHOP RICHARD is open to invitations to preach, or to act as mentor or supervisor either face-to-face or by Zoom. He may be contacted as follows: